शीघ्र बजारमा आउदै छ ................

For more detail and promo song of album please visit   http://udgaralbum.blogspot.com/

Human Life And Its Importance

It is hard to carry on the family and social traditions when we are away from the our homeland but under the banner of shri krishna pranami association , it is a bit easier to continue and follow the part of The Master Mahamati Prannath. He gave a wonderful and great philosophy to the world. We would be loser if we do not take care of this asset given to us.

We always have a hard time when somebody asks us about Mahamati Prannath and his philosophy. This is we try to give small effort towards getting closer to the great treasure of the lord.

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत

ध्वनीहरु मा गुन्जीएकी, मेरो मिठो प्रित हो तिमी
शब्द शब्दले सिङगरेएकी, मेरो मिठो गीत हो तिमी

औंलाहरु मा लटपटी दै, कलम बनी तिमी बग्छोउ
तिम्रै केश्को पानी झरी, मसी बनी शब्द पोख्छोउ
सुन्यतामा झन्कर भर्ने मेरो मिठो मित होउ तिमी
शब्द शब्दले सिङगरेकी , मेरो मिठो गीत होउ तिमी

मस्तिस्क हो मेरो तर, मान बनी तिमी सोच्छोउ
केवल सपना देख्ने मत, बिपन तिमी रोज्छोउ
मस्तिस्कमा ज्ञान भर्ने, मेरो ज्ञानको रित होउ तिमी
शब्द शब्दले सिङरेकी, मेरो मेठो गीत होउ तिमी
सब्द रचना - धर्मेन्द्र खडका, झापा नेपाल

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत

थोपा थोपा भै बग्ने, अंजुलीको पानी सरी

फक्रिएको फूललाई के थाहा, झर्नु पर्ने पतकर बनी

जीवन हो समय चक्र, आज जे छ हुन्ना भोली

मीठा मीठा यादहरु, हुन्छन् मात्र जीवन पछि

थाहा नपाई बिलौने जीवन, पानी को फोका बिलाए सरी

फक्रिएको फुललाई के थाहा ................................

एउटा सपना जीवनको नि, फक्रीको फूलको जस्तै हुन्छा

जानी नजानी यो संसारमा जसो तासो जिवनै पर्छ

जत्ती जत्ती बुझे यत्ति, जिवन रे छ घामपानी

फक्रिएको फूललाई के थाहा ...................................

सब्द रचना धर्मेन्द्र खडका

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत

अविशाप भयो माया मलाई, भयो आशुको यो जीवन

हास्न सके न रुनाई सक्छु, भयो खरानी यो जीवन

सबै भन्छन सुख हो माया, शीतल छहारी दिने

बाटो भूली फसेको बटुवालाई, गंतव्य नया दिने

तर मैले न सीतलता पाए , न पाए गंतव्य जीवन

पाए वश विवशता, शोक र पीडा, औशीको अंधेरी रात यो जीवन

हरियाली लेवओछा माया ले बोकी, सुंदर फूल फुलौछ मन

अन्तर मन ले स्वर्ग श्री भूलौने छ सांसारिक धन

तर मलाई स्वर्ग अब छाई न जान, बिना तिम्रो यो जीवन

जल्छु मर्छु तिम्रै बेद्नमा ,बनाइ जोगी यो जीवन

सबद रचना:- धर्मेन्द्र खडका

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत

पुरानो याद आखाको मझा आईदिन्छ किन
रहेको खुसी फेरी चूड़ी आशुहरु पिउन
पिरतीको खेल यस्तै बुझ्न धेरै गारो
एक पलट माया लगाई बिर्सनालाई गारो
पानी बर्रार तिमीलाई सम्झादा आशु धरर

मिलन बिझोड खेल यस्तै सम्झना मात्र साथ
छाडी गायौ आज फेरी केवल आशु रह्यो साथ
त्यही आशुलाइ साथी बनाई बाच्नु पर्यो मैले
तिम्रो यद् आउदा किना भकानिन्छु म जहिले
पिरतीको नियम यस्तै भुझ्ना धेरै सरो
पानी बर्रार ......................................

धेरै कोसिस गारे मैले एकली जीवन बाचन

सहरे कद्दीन हदों रहेछ कसाईंलाइ जीवन साचना

साचेको जीवन बितौनालाइ झन्ने धेरै सारो

भीतर मुटु जलाऐरा बाहिर हासन गहरो

पानी बर्रार .............................................

सबद:- धर्मेन्द्र खडका

मेरो गीत मेरो सब्द

आज रात छटपटीले निन्द्रै परेन,

अल्झी रह्यो तिम्रो तस्वीर हटदै हटेना

निदाउ भन्छु आखा चिम्ली, रूप तिम्रै आउछ

बिर्स्यो भनी कोल्टे फेर्छु, बतास बनी छाउछ

सपनीमा तिम्रै स्वर, तिम्रो भूतै झरेना

आल्झी रह्यो तिम्रो तस्वीर हट्दै हटेना

आधा रात बिती सक्यो, नले छोडया छैना

बिपना पो हो की भन्छु, आको तिमी हैंना

सम्झी रहन्छु तिम्रै रूप, तिम्रो धितई मरेना

आल्झी रहयो तिम्रो तस्वीर हट्दै हटेना

सब्द:- धर्मेन्द्र खडका

Happy New Year - 2066

Dear all,
May this New Year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements

Happy New Year
Naya Saal Mubarak Ho
Nav Varsh ki Shubkamnayen
Antum Salimoun
Puthuvatsara Aashamsakal
Naya shal Ko Shuvakamana
Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa
Eniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal
Nutana Sawanchra Subhakanshalu
नया साल २०६६ को हार्दिक मगलमय शुभ कामना

In need of Blessings................

Dharmendra Khadka
Doha, Qatar

पुस्तक परिचय "आशु र मुस्कान" (आधुनिक गीत संग्रह)

वालापनमा मान्छे सबै थोक बन्दोंरहे छ, यही वालापानको सोख भनु अथवा साहित्य प्रतिको अप्रत्क्क्ष झुकावले मलाई मनभित्र तरंगीएका भावहरुलाइ लिपिबद्द गरी संगालने रौस चल्यो, कहिले खेतीपातीको कम गर्दा होस त कहिले वनजंगलमा घासपत गर्दा होस, ती वरिपरीका प्रकृतिसंग म धेरै नजिक हुन पुगे, यिनै मेरा साथी बने , दैनिक जीवनका क्रियाकलाप संगै  वरिपरीका प्रकृतिसंगको संवादलाइ लिपिबद्द गर्दै जाने क्रममा एउटा संग्रह बन्न  पुगेछ अनि आफ्नै गाऊकी एउटी दौतरी संगको माया प्रीतिमा पिरोलिदा ती पीर र भावहरु पनि  यसै माझ मिसाउदा तयार भए छ "आशु र मुस्कान"

प्रियसीको वियोगमा डुबेर कही आशु झारना पुगिएछ, त कही प्रकृतिका  मनहर छटासंग अट्टा हस हासो संगै मुस्कुराउन पुगिएछ/  त्येही  मैले यथाथ जीवनमा भोगेका  भोगाइ हो यो "आशु र मुस्कान" / यस् पुस्तक भित्रका  हरेक सब्दहरुमा तपाईले मेरो जीवनमा भोगेका यथार्थ  आशु र मुस्कान पाउनु हुने छ, अनुभाव गर्नुहुने छ ।

गीतका शब्दहरु ति  जीवन भोगाइका  क्रममा तायार भयो। अब यसलाई प्रकाशन गर्ने चुनौती  भने मेरो लागी जो निम्न परिवारमा जन्म्यो  र अध्यनरत थियो, दिवा सपना भयो। त्यों मेरो दिवा सपनालाइ बरिष्ठ साहित्यकार पुष्पालता आचार्यजीले पूर्ण गारीदिनु भयो मेरो गीतहरुलाइ  "आशु र मुस्कान" नामक आधुनिक गीति संग्रहको रुपमा प्रकाशन गरेर उहा  प्रति म जीवनभर आभारी रहने छु ।

उहा मात्र हैन, यो सफलतामा मेरा कही साथी संगीनिहरु छन, जसलाई मैले यहाँ नाम छुटाए  भने यो मेरो लेखकीय अपूर्ण हुने छ। ति  साथीहरु हुन्  तपन बाराइली र उत्तम खडका जसले मलाई सधै साहित्य सृजनामा  अभीप्रेरित गरिरहे । अनि मेरो बुबाआमा जसले म सधै  ठुलो मान्छे बनेको हेर्ने सपना राखे, चेतनशील युवा परिवारका साथीहरु जो मेरो रक्तसंचार बनीरहे। अनि उनी जसको कारनले यो पुस्तक हजूर हरुको हाथमा छ।

३ मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत (मेरो काठमांडू)

कौडी नाछाडने सम्पतिको अंध भक्त बनी, पुरखाको आदर्श भूली सकेको
बिवश नारिलाई बिवाश्तामा अर्धनग्न्ना परी, कतै नारी अस्तितो बिर्सिसकेको
दुर्गन्ध, अस्व्छ र धुवा धुलो मात्र, तर पनि महान छ मेरो काठमांडू

एक छिमेकीले अर्को छिमेकी नाचिन्ने, कतै मानवता हराइ सकेको
छेउमा लडेर चीत्कार छोड़ी रोएको न सुनने, कतै करुना गुमैसकेको
कोलहल, बिय्स्त र जल झेल मात्र, तर पनि महान छ मेरो काठमांडू

राजादेखि रैत्ती सम्मलाई पौठाजोरी खेलने, कतै राष्टियता बिलाईसकेको
कृतिम आदर्शको ठूला ठूला महल ठाडाएरा, कतै सव्यता पिल्सैसकेको
रुष्ट, कष्ट र कृतिम मात्र, तर पनि महान छ मेरो काठमांडू

मठ मन्दिर प्रेम प्रेमिकाको लुकामारी खेलने बनेर, कतै मर्यादा खियाइसकेको
धार्मिक आस्ता पुंजका नदीमा मल डल समिश्रण गारी, कतै धार्मिक मह्त्व सेलैसकेको
नास्तिक, अधर्मी र अस्वच्छ मात्र, तर पनि महान छ मेरो काठमांडू

कयऔलाइ लुटी सड़कको पेटीमा पुर्याउने, कतै स्वयमबोध चिपलाई सकेको
अझै हाथमा पासो बोकी नया सिकारको खोजीमा, कतै पुरुसोततो चिपलाई सकेको
अशांति, रैप र आतताई मात्र, तर पनि महान छ मेरो काठमांडू

लेखक :- धर्मेन्द्र खडका
मिति ;- २०६०/०५/२०
स्थान :- मैती देवी काठमांडू

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत - ४

रेट्टी देऊ कर्द गलामा बरु , नालागे केही धर
बिछोड नदेउ नासहना सकने, चर्याने जीवन भर

ओठमा मुस्कान कृतिम हासो, भित्र मुटुमा के छ!छ?
बहिरको खोक्रो हसै देखने, अन्तर ज्वाला देखने को छ ?
न जुधून कहिले भाबिस्य गालन्न, अधरमा अधर
बिछोड न देऊ नसहना सकने, चरयौने जीवन भर

जलाई देऊ जीवन खरानी बनाई, न पोल्ला ! न बिझौला !
आधा बाटोमा छुटेको प्रेमी, के सम्झी रेझौला
पीडाको छानो आशुको पेटी, न बनोस प्रित्तिघर
बिछोड न देऊ न सहना सकने, चर्यौने जीवन भर

सब्द :- धर्मेन्द्र खडका
मिति:- २०६०/०२/०३

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत -३

न छोड़ने भो तिम्रो यादले, जत्तै गए पनि
आखै अघि अल्झी रहने, जाती बिर्से पनि

माया रै छ छाया झै, लग्ने पछि पछि
कागज बरु फटी जाने, नजादो रै छ मसी
हजार कोसिस गरे भुल्न, सपना त्यों भनी
आखै अघी अल्झी रहने, जाती बिर्से पनि

कस्तो रै छ सम्बन्ध यो, उतई उतई तन्ने
हजार कोस टाडालाई, आखै अघि ठान्ने
अजम्बरी रै छ माया, तन्नै मरे पनि
आखै अघि अल्झी रहने, जाती बिर्से पनि

सब्द :- धर्मेन्द्र खडका
मिति :- २०६०/०३/१९

Purification of mind: A scientific approach

मान ही बाधे मान ही खोले, मान तन मान उजासी रे
ऐ खेल सकल है मानका, मान नेहेचल मान ही को नाश रे
- स्वामी श्री प्राणनाथ जी
After much research and contemplation, great
philosopher Allen had reached to the conclusion that; “as a
man thinks in his sub-conscious mind, so is he.”
Interestingly Mahamati Shri prannathji explained the
nature of mind and its different activities in his Holly creation
“Tartam Sagar” about 400 years back. In our earlier days, we
used to read different verses from the Tartam Sagar dealing
with mind, but we never contemplated deeply and tried to
analyze them effectively. Surprisingly, the conclusion made
by different philosophers regarding mind, was already
explained by the supreme philosopher Mahamati shri
prannathji in his Holy book Tartam Sagar.
When we analyze the above mentioned verse “मान ही बाधे” we find that, mind itself has created s world. It is
mind, which is binding and liberating us in the world. In the
same manner; it is the cause of darkness as well as illumination
in our lives.
Well! Before going into detail, let us discuss how the
mind works.
There are two levels of our mind - the conscious or
rational level and the sub-conscious or irrational level. We
think with our conscious mind, and whatever we habitually
think sinks down into our sub-conscious mind, which creates
according to the nature of our thoughts. If we think good, goodwill follow; if we think evil, evil will follow. Once the
sub- conscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.
Our sub conscious mind cannot argue controversially. Hence
if we give it wrong suggestions, it will accept them as true and
will proceed to give results accordingly.
The idea behind writing this article is to encourage
people in knowing themselves. In what state are they living?
Why have the lives of people become so miserable?
Yes, it is the state of mind where the answer lies. Have
we ever tried to observe ourselves? We have been filling our
mind with various negative attitudes like, hate, cynicism, anger,
and selfishness. In the same way, various diseases like anxieties,
worries, tensions, fear, regret and guilt have been finding place
in our mind since our childhood. Regarding the contaminated
mind, Mahamati shri Prannathji says in his holly book that:
“अन्दर नाही निर्मल, फेर फेर नहावे बहेरा ''
- स्वामी श्री प्राणनाथ जी
We clean the external part of our body regularly, because
medical science had warned that different kind of diseases may
attack our body, if we do not clean it regularly. But today
medical science has proved that the main cause of physical
illness is the illness of mind. This is called psychosomatic
theory of medicine. Therefore, Mahamatiji says clearly that,
dear! Clean your mind first. It means throwing the above
mentioned various negative attitudes and diseases out of the
mind. It is possible by applying certain scientific
(psychological) approaches. Before discussing it, let us try to
understand the message given by the following verse।
केसरी दूध न रहे रजा मात्र, उत्तम किनक बिना जे पत्र
स्वामी श्री प्राणनाथ जी
It's the said that, milk of the lioness cannat be put in an ordinary pot other than that of pure gold. It clearly indicatesthat if we do not clean our contaminated mind, is not possible
to grasp the messages of Mahamati Shri Prannathji. Why are
we not able to concentrate, while sitting for meditation? We
sit for “Jaap” but are we able to link ourselves to the “Pram
Dham” or “Tartam”? No. whenever we sit for these activities
the mind starts rambling. Physically we may be sitting at one
place but mentally we are not there. Therefore, first of all we
should keep our mind healthy so that we can grasp the great
philosophy of Mahamatiji. We sometime observe that
whenever it rains; the water does not remain on the top of the
hill but flows directly towards the hollow. This happens because
the hollow has the space for the rain. Thus we should also create
space in our mind by throwing out all kinds of mental diseases
and negative attitudes to contain the rainfall of love, happiness
and joy. Let us understand a theory of science called substitution
theory, which explains that when we go on adding water to a
glass which is already full, the added water substitutes the
water that was already in the glass. The same theory is applied
in the case of our mind, when we go on filling positive thoughts
in our mind, it starts substituting the negative thoughts in the
same ratio.
Now let us discuss about the scientific approach, which
will help to purify our mind. We have already understood that,
whatever we think, our sub-conscious mind takes it as true
and executes accordingly. Therefore, we should repeatedly
suggest positive thoughts to the sub-conscious mind so that it
starts responding positively. There are a few points to make
before suggesting the ideas, which are given below.
Points to remember
• Keep yourself calm, peaceful & relaxed
• Picturise the statement while repeating it.
• Practice it at least thrice a day.
• The result is based on faith. Suggestions for the practice
1. for obtaining a peaceful state of mind:
• Talk peaceful to be peaceful.
• Watch your manner of speech, if you wish to develop
a peaceful state of mind.
2. for avoiding negative attitudes & mental disease,
5 times slowly
• “With Rajji’s (God’s) help, I am emptying my mind
of all hate, cynicism, anger, greed, selfishness, anxiety, fear,
tension, worry, regret, guilt and sense of insecurity”
Again repeat 5 times the following:
“Now, I believe that, my mind is emptied of all hate,
cynicism, anger, greed, selfishness, anxiety, fear, tension,
worry, regret, guilt and sense of insecurity”
(Note: feel the outlet of negative attitudes from the
3. for finding happiness within ourselves
• “I make it a habit to be happy”
4. Whenever we feel defeated:
• “I don’t believe in defeat”
5. When wrong is committed:
• “Dear Rajji (god), I have been an unclean man and I
am sorry for the wrong. I have poured all out to my friend
here. I now ask you to forgive me and to fill me with peace.
Also make me strong so that, I will never repeat these actions.
Help me to be clean again & better- Lots better”
(Note: please repeat this suggestion as if you are really talking with Rajji).
6. for avoiding fear:
• “I am not disturbed by anything; I am not frightenedby anything. Everything passes away except Rajji (God) He
alone is sufficient.”
• “If Rajji (God) be for me, who can be against me?”
7. Whenever somebody hurts you :
• “Keep calm, peaceful and relaxed and start thinking
about the person who had hurt you. Think about the positive
parts of his life. In what circumstance he is living. Ask god
(Rajji) to forgive him with and fill him with peace. “
(Note: the psychologists have suggested that though it is very difficult
to do it, for the best result, it has to be done honestly)
In conclusion, for the best result, the above mentioned
various positive suggestions are to be repeated several times
so that the sub-conscious mind will start accepting them as
true and give results accordingly. picturisation of statement is
an essential part of the process . In this way if we practice it
regularly, the positive results can be achieved within a short
time. Our mind will be purified. We will be able to meditate
properly, grasp the messages of Mahamati Shri prannathji and
others great philosophers and at last our life itself will be full of happiness, joy and success as a whole.
By :- Surendra Sharma (Source :- pranami dharma patrika, Shree 5 navtanpuri dham )

रंगको बिशेस्ता

  1. सेतो -शान्ति र पबित्रताको प्रतिक
  2. हरियो -शीतलता र प्राकृतिकको प्रतिक
  3. निलो -व्यापकता र महानताको प्रतिक
  4. गुलाबी -शक्तिको प्रतिक
  5. कालो -एकांगीपनको प्रतिक
  6. रातो -स्फूर्ति, निश्चयता, उतेजना र क्रोदको प्रतिक
  7. आकाशे -महान शान्तिको प्रतिक
  8. केलो -शांत, गंभीर र उदारको प्रतिक
  9. पहेलो -शान्ति प्रति बड़ी झुकने बुद्दिमताको प्रतिक
  10. गेरू -दर्शन र मोछा प्रप्तिको प्रतिक

स्त्री र उसको स्वत्रंतता

स्त्रीको स्वत्रंता र समाजमा उनको समान स्थान त्यति बेलासम्म कोरा कल्पना मात्र हुने छ

जब सम्म समाजको लागी जिबिकोपर्जनबाट उनलाई अलग राखिने छ र उनलाई घरको चौघेरा

भित्रकी रानी बनाएर राखिने छ स्त्रीको स्वत्रंत्रता त्येतिबेला सम्भब हुनेछ जब उ, बिना रोकटोक

जिबिकोपर्जनको काममा पूर्ण रूपले भाग लिन लग्नेछ र घरको कामको बोझ उसमाथि नाम

मात्रको रहनेछ/

संभार ;- मानब समाज

नाम र शब्दको परिभाषित अर्थ

  1. त्रिकाल (भुत, भाबिस्य र बर्तमान )
  2. त्रिफला ( हर्रो, बर्रों र अमला )
  3. तिन आयाम (लम्बइ, चौडाई र उचाइ )
  4. मानका तिन शक्ति ( इच्छाशक्ति, ज्ञानशक्ति र क्रियाशक्ति )
  5. तिन लिंग ( स्त्रीलिंग, पुलिंग र नापुसक्लिंग )
  6. तिन बचन ( एकबचन, दुएबचन र बहुबचन )
  7. त्रिगुण (सत्वगुण, रजोगुण र तमोगुण )
  8. त्रिरत्न ( सुन, चादी र तामा )
  9. त्रिकुट ( सुठो, मारीच र पिप्ल्ला )
  10. बेद्का तिन कंठा (कर्मकंठा , उपासनकंठा र ज्ञानकंठा )
  11. चोर्बेद ( रिग्बेद, य्जुर्बेद, सामबेद, अर्थ्बेद )
  12. चारयुग (सत्ययुग, दौपर्युग,त्रेतायुग र कलियुग )
  13. चारजाट (ब्रह्मण, छित्त्री, वैश्य र स्रुदा )
  14. चारदिशा (पूर्व, पश्चिम, उत्तर र दाछीन )
  15. चारअस्राम (ब्रम्हचर्य, ग्रियास्ता , वानप्रस्थ र संयाही )
  16. अगस्ति - खंचुवा
  17. करना - दानी
  18. पिंगला - वेश्या
  19. अर्जुन - वीर
  20. कुबेर - धनि
  21. दुर्वासा - रिसहा
  22. कैकेयी - स्वार्थी
  23. बिर्हस्पती - बुद्दिमान
  24. वीरबल - चतुर
  25. मीरा - भक्तिनी
  26. गणेश - छिटो लिखने
  27. हनुमान - कम फटते गर्ने
  28. सीता - पबित्र
  29. सुदामा - गरीब
  30. चाद्क्य - नितिबन

मेरो शब्द मेरो कबिता (परिवर्तन ) - २

शान्ति हाम्रो पेटीमा उभी भीख मागीरहेको छ, तर हामीसंग उसलाई दिन कही छैन
सुंदर शान्त अब छत बिछात भैसकेको छ कही एम्बस र दोहोरो भीडान्तमा परी
बिहानीले भलेको डाक र चाराचुरुंगीका चिर्बिर चिर्बिर का ठाउमा
तोप र बन्दूकका कर्ण कटु आवाजहरु सुनाउन थालेका छन
सगरमाथा एकोहोरो हेरीरहेछ वरफसरी आखमा आशु ली
उ संग बोलने हिम्त्त छैन, बोलोश पनी कसरी यहाँ साजिब हरु चुपचाप मौनतामा डुबेका बेला

घरबाट निस्केको छोरा बेलुकी घर फर्कन छ की फर्कन्दिना,
आमालाई दिनभरी खडपड़ी र छड़पड़ी छ
यहाँ तिहार तिहार जस्तो छैन, दशै दशै जस्तो लग्दैना
कहा कसको तिहार रोकिने हो, दशैमा कुन चेली को सिंदूर पुछिने हो

समचार पत्रका हरफहरु अब रगतले कुदिएका बाहेक केहिछैन्ना
समचार पड़ना बसेको बाउ भार्तिमा पसेको छोराको लाश मुख्य पृष्ठमै देख्दा यहाँ कुनै अच्म्बा छैन
पशु हरौदा खालिबली हुने गाउ आज मान्छे लापता हूदा कुनै हलिखाली छैन
देशम कथित परिवर्तनका काला बदल मदरियेका छन
बिजुलिका चमक धमक चरका आवाजले गाउ गाली आक्रांतित छ
मानिस खासी बोका झी छ्याप छ्याप्ती कटीऐका छन , रेतियेका छन
कोही मुस्लिम समुदाऐको हलाल शैलीमा उदोमुन्टो परी रुखमा तंगीएकअ छन

मानवीय सम्बेदाना, भावना एकादेशको कथा बनेको छ
एउटा शाहीशेनामा लागेको छोराको दहा संस्कार नसकिदै
भोली जनशेनामा लागेको छोरा को मलामी खोजना , बाउ गाउ घरका डोका डाक डकैरहेका छन
आहा! हेर देशले कतरों परिवर्तन पाएको छ

ऐ! परिवार्तंका हिमायतीहरु हो यो भन्दा अरु के परिवर्तन चाहंछो ? भयो बंद गर अब !
परिवर्तन कुनै मानबको इति लीला समाप्त गरेर ओउदैना, यसले ट मानब सबयतालाइ नाश गर्छ
यदि परिवर्तन नै चाहेका होउ भने, परिवर्तन गर टी समाजका बिकृत सोचहरुलाइ

उखेलेरा फ्याकी देउ कथित सस्कार र रुदिबदी परम्पराहरुलाइ
नामेंटी गारीदेउ मान्छे मान्छेमा बिभाजन ल्याउने छुवाछुटहरुलाइ

जब सम्म सोच र बिचारमा परिवर्तन ओउदैना , तब सम्म लाखोऊ नर बलि चदाये पनी परिवर्तन संम्भब छइन
तेसैले शुरू गरु फ्याकना बिकृत सोच र बिचारहरुलाइ, शुरू गरु आफै आफै बात
आफै आफै बात शुरू गरे पर्दैना कसैलाई परिवर्तन गर्न !!!! पर्दैना परिवर्तन गर्न

रचना :- धर्मेन्द्र खडका
date :- 11/03/05

वैवाहिक सस्कार र तेस्मा देखियेका बिक्रितिहरू

बिश्व्का बिभिन्न उच्च धर्मंहरुमा हिंदू धर्मंमा पनि एक उच्च र गौरबशाली धर्मंको रुपमा परिचित छ/ हिंदू धर्मका बिभित जात जतिहरू छन/ ति बिभित जातिका आफ्नै उपजती र आ-आफ्नै सस्कारहरु छन/ हिंदू धर्मका मुख्या ४ वाटा सस्कारहरुमा वैवाहिक सस्कार पनी एक मानिन्छ/ वैवाहिक सस्कार बिभिन्न प्रकारका जात जातिका आ-आफ्नै प्रकारका पदतिद्वारा गरिन छ/जुन जातिले जुन प्रकारले बैवाहिक सस्कार गरेता पनी यस् बैवाहिक सस्कारमा आहिले बिभिन्न प्रकारका आड़म्बिक सस्कारहरु भित्रिना थाले का छन/यहाँ यही हाम्रो समाजमा फैलिएका विवाहिक सस्कारको बारेमा चर्चा गर्न खोजेको छू/

हाम्रो हिन्धू धर्ममा प्रकारका विवाहिक मान्यताहरु छन/तर पनी केटा केटी पछाका दुबैथारी अभिभावकको पूर्ण मंजूरी द्वरा गरिने विवाहिक मान्यता हाम्रो समाजमा सबै भन्दा बडी प्रचलनमा देखींनछ/ पूर्वकाल देखि दशा, ग्रह, गोत्र आदि हेरेर विवाह गर्ने प्रचलन हाम्रो समाजमा बिस्तारै हरौदै आइरहेको छ, र तेस्को ठाउमा देखावाती dhak rawaph देखाउन ऋन धनले जस्तो गरेर पनी म्हंगो बिदेशी बैंडबाजा , हजारौ बिजुली सजावाट अनि लाखाओ सम्म एकै छीनमा खर्च गर्ने प्रतिस्पर्धामा अहिलेको समाज लागेको छ/यसले प्रत्येछ रुपमा आफैलाई असर पारी रहेको छ भने अर्को तर्फा हाम्रो रीतीरिवाज, सस्कार, परम्परा र कलकार माथि कुठारघात गारी रहेको छ/ यस् प्रकारका सस्करले हाम्रो समाजमा मान्यता प्राप्त दमे बाजाको लोप हुनामा पनी सहयोग पुराइरहेको छ/ अझ येस्ले दाइजोका आधारमा राम्रो घर र वर पाउने परीपतिको पनी बिकास हुदै गएको छ/यी सबै कुरा हाम्रा परम्परा रा मान्यताका बिपरीत छन/सफल दांपत्य जीवनका लगी सामाजिक र आर्थिक स्तरमा समानता, दू बाईमा समझादरी र आफ्नो पारिवारिक यथार्थलाइ बुझेर व्यवार गर्न जरुरी छ, त्सैका लगी पुरवाकाल देखि पबित्र अग्निलाइ सछ्ही राखेर सुख र दुःखमा सगाई बेहोरने लगायतका दोहोरो बाचा गरिने परिपाटी छ/ हाम्रो समाजमा विवाह पुरवा प्रेम गर्ने प्रचलन पनी पाईछ र प्रेमविवाह भएको पानी पाईछ तारा विवाह्पछि तेयो प्रेम बिस्तारै लोप हुदै गएर डिगो हुना नसकेको पनी पाईनछ/ वैवाहिक जीवन को सफलताको लगी अहिले समाजमा देखापरेको दाईजो उपहारको कुनै भूमिका छाईन, किना भने विवाह एक नैतिक बंधन हो, जसले दूइ आत्मालाइ मिलौछ / यो व्यापार हैंनना र यस्मा देखावटीपनको पनी कुनै भूमिका र्ह्दैना /

देशको आधाभन्दा बड़ी जनसँख्या गरिबिको रेखामुनी बचिराहेका हाम्रो जस्तो मुलुकमा अहिले रातारात करोड़पति बनेकाहरुले भित्रएको खर्चालू अपसस्कृति स्व्यमा बिकृति मात्र नभएर अवैध र अविवारिक पनी छ/तारा दुर्भग्य के छ भने यसैले अहिले बिस्तारै समाजमा मान्यता पाउ न थाले को छ/ अप्वया वैवाहिक जीवन लाइ मधुर होइना की कटु बनाउनी कारन बनना सक्छ तशथ विवाह समारोहलाइ भव्य बनाएर ऋण बोक्नु भन्दा कम खर्चामा विवाह गर्दै पैसाको सदुपयोग गरेर वैवाहिक जीवनलाइ सुखद बनाउन तरफा समाज लाग्नु पर्छ/ सबैलाइ चेतना भाया

धर्मेन्द्र खडका धुलाबारी, झापा नेपाल

मेरो शब्द मेरो कबिता ( माटोको भाडो फूटे पछि) -१

आखा जुधेर के भयो , मनको भावना लुकेपाची
नाता जोडेर के हुन्छ, मायाको मुहान सुकेपछि
बसन्त आहेर के भयो, फूल नाफुले पछी
आशु झरेर के हुन्छ, मन नभुले पछी

बिश्वास कसको रह्योरा, आफैले घात गरेपछी
साथ कसको चाहेयो र, एक्लै बच्नु परेपछि
शिर ठडएरा के गर्नु, हेर्ने नजरै झुकेपछि
घौउमा मालम के लओउनु, भित्री मन्नै दुखेपछि

सम्झी किना बस्नु छ र, तिमिनै टाडा गए पछी
आफ्नो कस्लाई भानु छ र, तिमिनै बैरी भये पछी
गुनासो तिमीलाई के गर्नु , बिश्वास नै टूटे पछी
काहा पो जोड़ना सकिन्छ र, माटोको भाडो फूटेपछी

रचना :- धर्मेन्द्र खडका
मिति :- २०५६/०१/१५

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत - २

जऔ तिमी हासी खुसी भै, तिम्रो खुसीमा म मेरो खुसी खोज्छु
न आउन आशु ती दुई नयनमा, तिम्रो आशुमा म मेरो मिर्तु देख्छु /

जीवनपथ म हरेक मोड़ आउछ, हरेक मोड़ले नया रंग लिओउछा
स्वहिकार ती हरेक अओउने मोड्लाई, जीवन त्यस्मै खुशी बिच छऔछ

सम्झौता हो यो जीवन एउटा, मानलाई सम्हाली स्विकारना सिक
चाहेको सबै कसले पउअछ र, कही गुमउदैमा नमाना दिक्का

नाराख्नु मानमा अतितका यादलाई, अतीत भुत हो न फरकि ओउछा
फर्केर पछि नहेर्नु कहिले, त्यसले जीवनलाई डादेलो लौछा

रचना :-धर्मेन्द्र खडका
मिति:- २०६५/१०/१४

मेरो सब्द मेरो गीत -१

जानी जानी खुशी जलाई, रुने मंचे म
आफ्नै हाथले आफ्नो, दाग्बती दिने मान्छे म /

फुलहरु देख्छु सबै, रंगबिहीन छन किन ?
हिमालले सेतो आह्शु, झार्छ आखै अगी किन ?
पुर्व घर भेटौनालाई पश्चिम, हिड़ने मान्छे म
आफ्नै हाथले आफ्नो, दग्बत्ति दिने मान्छे म

बाटा गल्ली एकांत छन, म कही कत्तै हिडेको बेला
स्पर्ष न्यानो लग्दैन किन ? बदलका थोपा झरेको बेला
निबस्त्र भै लाज पचाई सड़कमाझ, हिड़ने मान्छे म
आफ्नै हातले आफ्नो दग्बत्ति, दिने मान्छे म

रचना :- धर्मेन्द्र खडका
मिति :- २०६५/०९/ २४

Nepal - The Land of Temple :: Introduction

Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of bio-diversity due to its unique geographical position and altitude variation. The elevation of the country ranges from 60 meters above sea level to the highest point on earth, Mt. Everest at 8,848 meters, all within a distance of 150 kilometers resulting in climatic conditions from sub-tropical to arctic.

This wild variation fosters an incredible variety of ecosystems, the greatest mountain range on earth, thick tropical jungles teeming with a wealth of wildlife, thundering rivers, forested hills and frozen valleys.

Within this spectacular geography is also one of the richest cultural landscapes anywhere. The country is a potpourri of 101 ethnic groups and sub-groups who speak over 92 languages and dialects. Nepal offers an astonishing diversity of sightseeing attractions and adventure opportunities found nowhere else on earth. And you can join in the numerous annual festivals that are celebrated throughout the year in traditional style highlighting enduring customs and beliefs.

Area: 147,181 sq. km

Geography: Situated between China in the north and India in the South

Location: Latitude: 2612' to 3027' North Longitude: 804' to 8812' East

Capital: Kathmandu

Population: 30 million

People: 101 ethnic groups and 92 spoken languages

Climate: sub-tropical in low lands to arctic's in higher altitudes

Language: Nepali

Currency: Nepalese Rupee

Political System: Nepal was declared a Federal Democratic Republic state on May 28, 2008, during the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly. It was previously a multiparty democracy since 1990

National Bird: Impend Pheasant Danfe).

National Flower: Rhododendron Arboreum (Lali Gurans).

Historical Background
Nepal has seen many rulers and ruling dynasties. The earliest rulers were the Kirantis who ruled from 9th century B.C. to 1st century A.D. Legends and chronicles mention that the Indian Emperor Ashoka had come to Nepal and visited Lumbini, the place where the Buddha was born, and where he erected a huge stone pillar to commemorate his visit to that spot.
The Kirants were replaced by Licchavis who, according to the earliest evidences in inscriptions of the 5th century A.D. found in the courtyard of Changunarayan temple which is about 15 km north east of Kathmandu, ruled this country from 1st century to 9th century A.D. This period is noted for the many temples and fine sculptures built around the Kathmandu valley.
The Licchavis were followed by the Thakuris, then came the Malla dynasty. The Mallas ruled focusing mainly on the Kathmandu Valley which has been the residence for most Nepali rulers from time immemorial. No other part of Nepal is as rich in cultural heritage as Kathmandu . Thanks to the exceptionally talented crafts-men, who dedicated themselves to construct the many temples and statues, we have seven world heritage sites in the Kathmandu Valley itself.
In the 14th century A.D. King Jayasthiti Malla established a rigid social order. His grandson tried in every way to protect his country from suspected enemy states. Unfortunately, all his efforts were fruitless, everything went beyond his control and the country eventually divided up into 50 small feudal states including the three major ones in the valley.
Then came the Shah dynasty. King Prithvi Narayan Shah who annexed small principalities including three states in the Kathmandu Valley and unified Nepal in a single kingdom. Recognizing the threat of the British Raj in India , he dismissed European missionaries from the country and for more than a century, Nepal remained in isolation. During the mid-19th century Jung Bahadur Rana became Nepal 's first prime minister to wield absolute power. The Ranas were overthrown in a democracy movement of the early 1950s.

Nepal was declared a Federal Democratic Republic state on May 28, 2008, during the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly. It was previously a multiparty democracy since 1990

Natural Background
Nepal covers a span of 147,181 sq. kilometers ranging from altitude of 70 meters to 8,848 meters. Mountains, mid hills, valleys and plains dominate the geography of landlocked Nepal that extends from the Himalayan range in the north to the Indo-Gangetic lowlands in south. Mt. Everest , the highest point of the Himalayas is in Nepal .

Physical features also include green paddy terraces, wind-swept deserts, dense forests and marshy grasslands. The country is well endowed with perennial rivers, lakes and glacial lakes that originate in the Himalayas . Twenty percent of the land in the country is used for agriculture, where 0.49 percent is used for permanent crops, mainly rice.
Climatic conditions of Nepal vary from one place to another in accordance with the geographical features. In the north summers are cool and winters severe, while in south summers are sub tropical and winters mild.

The variety in Nepal 's topography provides home to wildlife like tigers, rhinos, monkeys, bears, yaks, leopards and different species of insects and birds. Nepal is a home to almost 10 percent of the world's bird species among which 500 species are found in the Kathmandu Valley .

The country has managed to preserve some endangered species of Asia in its extensive parks and protected natural habitats. The most abundant natural resource in Nepal is water. Other resources found here are quartz, timber, lignite, copper, cobalt, iron ore and scenic beauty.

The People
The population of Nepal were recorded to be about 25 million as of July 2002. Eighty-six percent of Nepalis follow Hinduism; while eight percent follow Buddhism and three percent follow Islam. The population comprises various groups of different races which are further divided into different castes. The distinction in caste and ethnicity is understood more easily with a view of customary layout of the population.

Some of the main groups are such: Gurungs and Magars who live mainly in the western region; Rais, Limbus and Sunwars who live in the eastern mid hills; Sherpas, Manangpas and Lopas who live near the mountains of Everest, Annapurna and Mustang respectively; Newars who live in and around the capital valley of Kathmandu; Tharus, Yadavas, Satar, Rajvanshis and Dhimals who live in the Terai region; and Brahmins, Chhetris and Thakuris generally spread over all parts of the country.

Nepali is the official language of the state, spoken and understood by 100 percent of the population. Multiple ethnic groups speak more than a dozen other languages in about 93 different dialects. English is spoken by many in government and business offices. It is the mode of education in most private schools of Kathmandu and some other cities.

In Nepal, Hinduism and Buddhism are the two main religions. The two have co-existed down the ages and many Hindu temples share the same complex as, Buddhist shrines. Hindu and Buddhist worshippers may regard the same god with different names while performing religious rites.

Nepal has been declared as a secular country by the Parliament on May 18, 2006. Religions like Hindusim Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Bon are practiced here. Some of the earliest inhabitants like the Kirats practice their own kind of religion based on ancestor worship and the Tharus practice animism. Over the years, Hinduism and Buddhism have been influenced by these practices which have been modified to form a synthesis of newer beliefs.

For centuries the Nepal remained divided into many principalities. Kirats ruled in the east, the Newars in the Kathmandu Valley , while Gurungs and Magars occupied the mid-west. The Kirats ruled from 300 BC and during their reign, emperor Ashoka arrived from India to build a pillar at Lumbini in memory of Lord Buddha. The Kirats were followed by the Lichchhavis whose descendants today are believed to be the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley . During this period, art thrived in Nepal and many of the beautiful woodcarvings and sculptures that are found in the country belong to this era. With the end of the Lichchhavi dynasty, Malla kings came to power in 1200 AD and they also contributed tremendously to Nepal 's art and culture. However, after almost 600 years of rule, the kings were not united among themselves and during the late 18th century, Prithvi Narayan Shah, King of Gorkha, conquered Kathmandu and united Nepal into one kingdom. Recognizing the threat of the British Raj in India , he dismissed European missionaries from the country and for more than a century, Nepal remained in isolation. During the mid-19th century Jung Bahadur Rana became Nepal 's first prime minister to wield absolute power. He set up an oligarchy and the Shah kings remained figureheads. The Ranas were overthrown in a democracy movement of the early 1950s.

Religious Festivals

Most of the festivals celebrated in Nepal have religious significance. The dates of most festivals are fixed by famous astrologers after consulting the lunar calendar. The biggest and most popular festivals are: Dashain, a celebration of Goddess Bhagabati's victory over evil Mahisashur; and Tihar, a celebration of lights dedicated to Goddess Laxmi.

Dharmandra Khadaka

My Birth District - Jhapa Nepal

Jhapa district, a district of Mechi zone, is one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal . The district, with Chandragadhi as its district headquarters, covers an area of 1,606 km² and has a population (2001) of 688,109. Jhapa is the easternmost district of Nepal and lies in the fertile Terai plains. It borders Ilam district in the north, Morang district in the west, the Indian state of Bihar in the south and east, and the Indian state of West Bengal in the east.Rajbanshi is the popular language spoken in this area. The district is divided into 47

Village Development Committees (VDCs) and three municipalities, namely Bhadrapur in the south, Mechinagar in the east and Damak in the west. Its major centers are Chandragadhi, Bhadrapur, Birtamod, Kakarbhitta, Damak, Dhulabari,Surunga, Charali.As it is one of the estern district which is connected to India it is travelled a lot.It is a district fill with peace and green tea estste,as Nepal 's dead city Bhadrapur is located here,some of the old industries from the decade of industrial development are found in south east, where in northern part of jhapa small mountains can be seen and the southern part is full of agricultural land and thick forest with aboriginals.

Jhapa is home of many indigenous ethnic nationalities such as the Rajbanshi, Satar ,Meche, Koche, Danuwar, Limbu, Dhimal, Munda and Gangain . Other ethnic groups such as Rai, Dhangad, Tamang, Uraon, Magar, Gurung and many others came to Jhapa.

in the late 19th century, so did the Hill/mountain Castes Bahuns, Chhettris, and Newars. Jhapa receives 250 to 300 cm of rainfall a year, and mostly during the monsoon season in the summer, and its hilly northern area receives more rainfall than the south. Its major rivers, like the Mechi River , Kankai Mai, Ratuwa, Biring, Deuniya,( Aduwa ), (Bhuteni)(Dhangri), Hadiya, and Ninda,Krishne Khola, Gauriya, Ramchandre etc provide water for irrigation. Due to its alluvial soil best suited for agriculture, Jhapa has been the largest producer of rice and is therefore known as the Grain Grocery of Nepal. Besides cereal crops like rice and wheat, it is also one of the largest producers of jute, tea, betel nut, rubber and other cash crops. Jhapa also has vast areas of forests, such as Deonia, Charali, Charkose Jhaadi, Sukhani, Jalthal, Magurmadi, Barne and others. It's name itself is derived from the Rajbanshi word "jhapa" meaning "canopy", which suggests that the area was a dense forest in the past. It was once such a dense and dangerous forest that it was called Kaalapaani and prisoners were sent here to die of malaria and other diseases in the jungle. Jhapa is diverse and rich in culture and traditions due to the influences of its different tribes. All the tribes/ethnic groups have their own languages, customs and traditions, and they celebrate their festivals every year. Jhapa also has several religious and historical sites of great importance like Kankai Mai, Kichakbadh, Satasidham, Arjundhara, Chillagadh, Biratpokhar, and Krishnathumki among others. It is believed that Pandu's son Bhim had killed Kichak in Kichakbadh (near Kechana in the south border) in the time of the Mahabharata and a great festival is observed on that day every year. There is also the historical fort of Chandragadh which gave its name to Chandragadhi. Other sites too have their own religious and historical values. It is also the gateway to Darjeeling and Sikkim and the rest of north-east India from Nepal . Jhapa is one of the most developed districts of the country. Almost all the villages and towns are linked by roads. There are schools and colleges in many parts of the district. There is also an airport and a hospital in Bhadrapur.It has the highest literacy rate and consist of most intellectual person. It plays the main role in national politics.The Communist revolution was started from the Jhapa,which led to formation of one the most prominent party of nation CPN-UML. Many national political figures are from jhapa such as K.P Oli,K.P Sitaula,Chakra Bastola,C.P Mainali Devi Ojha Droda Aacharya.Narendrabikram Nengwang R.K. Mainali.Jhapa played a significant role in the agitaion against Royal takeover.Around 5 peoples were Killed by the Royal Army in Bhadrapur and many more deaths weren't disclosed. Jhapa is also famous for microcredit development.

The Small Farmer Development Programme (SFDP) was the first rural and microfinancing program in Jhapa. The Agricultural Development Bank started this Small Farmer Development Programme in 1988. It started in a few VDCs and spread. After lifted many people out of poverty, the SFDP was handed over to the local people and the new institution was named Small Farmer Cooperative Ltd (SFCL). There are currently 13 SFCLs in Jhapa, each of which covers a single VDC. It is one of the major area for the Production of Tea and Rice.Budhubare situated below the Mahabhara range is the most fertile land of Nepal . Several other large Tea Estate are also located in Jhapa.. Giri Bandhu Tea Estate, Tokla Tea Estate, Sattighatta Tea Estate, New Giri & Sons Tea Estate, Buttabari Tea Processing are some of the major Tea estates in Jhapa Tourist Spot Arjundhara Jaleshwardham. This is one of the most important religious place of Jhapa. It is in Arjundhara VDC, 5 km north from Birtamode. It is also known as ‘Pashupatinath of the east’. In this place mela is held during Bala Chaturdashi, Shivaratri, Saune Sombar etc.
Kankai Mai:Kankai is the largest river of Jhapa district. The concrete bridge in this river is the longest bridge of the country which is 703.20 meter long. People worship this river as Kankai Mai, the goddess Kankai. The western bank of this river is known as Maidhar and the eastern one is known as Kotihom. Kotihome is a beautiful area which is fulled with various Ashrams and Gardens. Kankai Mela, probably the biggest mela of eastern region is held here every Maghe Sankranti, the first day of the tenth month Magh of Nepali calendar.

Kichchak Badh
Kichchak was a monster of Mahabharata era. He was killed by Bhimsen. That is why, this place is named Kic

Jhapa district, also known as the district of sunrise is a beautiful distict of Eastern Nepal . It consists of 3 municipalities and 47 village development committes. It lies 26020'N to 26050'N latitude and 37039'E to 88012'E longitude. The area of Jhapa District is 1606 sq. km. and it is divided into 8 constituencies.

Digits & Definitions

Population 6,88,109
Population Growth Rate 1.52 pc (Yearly)
Population Density 428 per sq. km.
Population Urban 13.3 pc
Population Rural 86.97 pc
Literacy Rate 66.93 pc
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.421
Per Capita Income US$ 239
Total Roads 601 km

Kechana Kabal

This is the lowest land of Nepal which is 58 meter high from the sea level. It is situated in Kechana VDC, the southern part of the district. Although it is an important place of Jhapa there is lack of publicity of this place.

By: Dharmandra Khadka

Shree Krishna Pranami Dharma - Introduction

A liberal blend of the Bhagwad Gita and Quran, Krishna and Allah, no caste system, no idol-worship, vegetarianism and non-violence ,some of the features of the relatively unknown
"Sri Krishna-Pranami Dharma
400 years old sect. It finds a mention in Mohandas Gandhi's autobiography My Experiments With Truth as his mother Puli-bai3 was a Pranamist. Gandhi says, it is "a sect deriving the best of both the Quran and the Gita, in search of one goal — God."

Though there are almost ten million Pranamists, or as they are also called, the Sunder-Saaths (Pleasant Company) a majority of them are based Nepal, India, Bhutan, canada and USA. They meet every week for satsang and sing bhajans and prayers that are a mix of Hindi, Nepali and Urdu words. In their holy book, the Swaroop Saheb, words such as Mohammad, Momin, hukumat, ilam, barkat appear often. The current head of the sect is Acharya Sri 108 Sri Krishna-mani, who recently attended the international religions summit of the United Nations. "Our religion believes that Krishna is the supreme lord and other gods and goddesses are his power" he says.
The Sri Krishna-Pranami Dharma was founded by Devachandra in Jamnagar in Kathiawar region of Gujarat, and propagated by Prana-nath Swami and his disciple, Chhatrasal, King of the Bundelas. During the 17th century, the religious environment in India was turbulent. Non-Muslims, especially Hindus, under the rule of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb faced religious oppression. The Jiziya tax on non-Muslims, abolished by his great-grandfather Emperor Akbar, was re-imposed and many Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam as part of state policy.

Those were the times when Devachandra, who was born at Umarkot, left home at the age of 16 to quench his spiritual thirst. He went to Bhuj and then Jamnagar, where the Krishna-pranami movement began. Here, Devachandra studied the Bhagwad Gita by attending the discourses of Kanji Bhatt for 14 years with unswerving attention and devotion. Followers say that during one such discourse, Devachandra went into a trance and was granted a vision of Krishna, during which he was given the highest knowledge, called the Tartam Mantra, the "Supreme Truth." Thereafter, Devachandra founded his own sect, the Sampradaya (sect) called the Nij-Ananda ("Foundational-Bliss"), also called the "Sri Krishna-Pranami Dharma or the Sunder-Saaths, establishing his center, the Sri Navtanpuri-Dham, at Jamnagar.
"One World, One Religion"
The most important propagator of this sect was Prana-nath, 1618-1694. He brought unity in various religious faiths by analyzing and comparing their holy books and laid the foundation of 'One World, One Religion.' He presented the sum total of all religious knowledge as the Kuljam Swaroop (or Tartam Sagar). In 1678, he went to Haridwar to attend the Kumbh Mela ("Festival of the Pot") and met heads of other religious sects. He had detailed discussions with each one of them, at the end of which, they unanimously conferred the title of Vijaya-abhinand Nishkalank Buddhaji upon him.

King Chhatrasal, born to a Bundela chieftain in 1706, was Prana-nath's most devoted disciple. He wanted to fight against the oppression of Aurangzeb, but did not have the wealth to build up an army. He met the Maratha King Sivaji, who was also fighting agaisnt Augranzeb in the Deccan, and found Guru Ramdas to be the Maratha King's spiritual guide and strength. Therefore, he turned to Prana-nath for guidance. Prana-nath blessed Chhatrapal and said, "Riding your horse tomorrow in the morning, the land you cover will be full of diamonds." And Panha in Bundelkhand is even today one of the biggest diamond fields in India.
She Sri Navtanpuri-Dham in Jamnagar is the main pilgrim center of Pranamism, because Devachandra obtained enlightenment here. Believers say that once Devachandra planted two twigs which he had used for cleaning his teeth, which twigs grew into huge trees. Today, even after 400 years, they are still there and are called the Khijada trees. And the temple there is called the Khijada Mandir.

Prana-nath spent 17 months preaching Pranamism in Surat. During this time, he was offered the throne of leadership by his disciples, who also adorned him with the title of "Mahamati Swami". Since then, the site of this event in the Saiyadpura area came to be known as the Sri 5 Maha-Mangalapuri-Dham, or, more popularly, the Mota Mandir ("Great Temple").

Panha is where Prana-nath met King Chhatrasal, blessed him and gifted him with a sword, called the Jal-pukar ("Summoning of the waters"). With this sword, Chhatrasal defeated the Mughal Army at the Battle of Mhow. Prana-nath also blessed the land of Panha to yield diamonds, which gave Chhatrasal the wealth to confront Aurangzeb. Wishing to establish a new Panha on the Vindhya Mountain ranges, Prana-nath chose an even land and hoisted a flag called the Sri-ji-ka Jhanda ("Flag of Krishna") there. This flag can still be seen even today. Prana-nath lived in Panha for 11 years and achieved "Samhadi"7 here. The place of his "Samhadi" (death) is known as the Mukti-Peetham ("Place of Salvation"), and the temple established there is called the Sri Padmavatipuri-Dham.

A huge temple, one of the biggest in Bengal, has been built in the old British hill-station of Kalimpong, near Darjeeling, between the Catholic and Protestant churches. Built at the cost of Rs. 130 million, the temple is named after Guru Mangaldas for his contribution in spreading the sect.

This temple also houses orphans, many of whom, after leaving the temple, pursue carreers in various cities of India।
By Archana Sharma, in the Mid-Day, based on http://www.krishna-pranami.org. Edited by Lúcio Mascarenhas

Re- edited By: - Dharmendra Khadka
Dhulabari, Jhapa, Nepal
Pho. No. +977-560943
e-mail - khadkas@yahoo.com

My Views

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Love love love...

Love is the great insulator from every ill which can attack the body. Love is the great balance wheel or spiritual gyroscope which makes it impossible for one to injure his own body by emotions which poison his body.Every emotion of any nature which is not based upon Love poisons the body and tears every nerve to the extent of the variance of that emotion from the balance which Love alone insulates one from. He whose emotions are based upon Love commands the light-waves which compose his body. The most virulent pestilence could not touch one who is thus insulated by Love. He who eliminates Love from his thinking, and its consequent emotion, is slave to his body and exposes it to toxic dangers in the measure of his unbalance, and his mind to the ravages of unbalance which lead to insanity. The principle which governs such variations is electric balance between both opposite pulsations of the heartbeat and their fulcrum from which they spring. All mental and physical illnesses arise from unbalance between these pulsations.


Tears... anshu

Tears in my eyes
across the miles,
Live on with the hope of seeing you one day
And sharing your smiles...

Dying for you…I live for you
my answer is the same
simple Yet true,
whenever you ask me:
"How Are You" ?

मेरो अनुरोध

प्रिय, ब्लग अवलोकनकर्ता ज्युहरु,सर्बप्रथम ब्लग अवलोकन गरिदिनु भएको मा आभारी छु/ यो बिशुद्ध सामाजिक ब्लग हो, र यशमा आफ्ना सूचना संदेशहरु सभ्य शब्दमा लेखिदिइ सब्यताको परिचय दिनुहोला / तपाईहरुलाइ यो ब्लग कस्तो लग्यो ? सल्लाह र सुझावको लागि यो ठेगानामा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला / धन्यवाद ... धर्मेन्द्र खड्का, मेचीनगर-१ धुलाबारी झापा, नेपाल Emil :- udgaralbum@gmail.com

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